Sunday, February 26, 2012

Daniel Fast Day 5

Today was all that I was expecting at church. Service was good at church, with new faces back and the Holy Spirit was present. Testimonies of God's goodness were expressed and testimony of a family being brought back together highlighted the service. I decided a while back to step back and let God work, and he is working. All area's of the church seem to be increasing, and it can only point to the fact God is at work. My closing challenge to the church this morning was to reclaim the sabbath for them and their families. Our prayer time was extremely special this evening and everyone is excited. I reclaimed my nap because Daytona was rained out! However, I am planning on watching it tomorrow! The Daniel fast is progressing. Here it is day 5 and i don't seem to be missing meat, dairy, or sugar. Today I ate only salad, juices, and had baked corn chips with some mango salsa, (it tastes great), and at breakfast was 1 cup of coffee. Not sure if I have lost any weight but that's not the reason for doing the fast. Looking forward to the days ahead.

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