Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Review of The Sacred Meal

One of the two ordinances that are observed by many protestant denominations: Holy Communion is the subject this work by Nora Gallagher. The author handles this subject not from a theological or mystical perspective. She integrates the sacredness of this holy sacrament into the ordinary and daily activities of life. She writes from her personal experiences and invites the reader to contemplate The Sacred Meal in every aspect of ones spiritual journey. The challenging part of this work is to see how the holy aspect of communion intersects with the everyday aspect of life. This work is not over burdened with cumbersome words that detract the reader but is written from personal spiritual journey and experience. This is a must read for one beginning in ministry or one who has been in ministry but wanting to reclaim the sacredness of Holy Communion.
The highlight of this work was chapter 8 entitled Myths and Traditions. Different traditions teach different ways, and rules regarding who can and who can’t participate in this holy sacrament. Nora Gallagher does a great job at exploring this issue. She does a great job at explaining the reasons why someone should not be hindered from participating in communion. Gallagher’s handling of the subject regarding rules and the sacrament were insightful and helpful to me.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Review of Called To Worship

Called To Worship is a great work on the subject of worship. Worship is still a controversial issue in the modern church. However, the author does not digress into which style, or which way is proper. Beginning in the book of Genesis and continuing through every book of the Bible worship is examined. Vernon Whaley returns to the scripture to unpack and peel away layers of customs and ideas that have been wrapped around worship. Beginning with the Genesis through the book of Revelation the author brings the reader back to the central issue, and to the primary focus of worship. This author is one who is closely involved with this subject and writes not from theory but from experience. Whaley’s treatment of the subject is based upon a correct understanding of the scriptures and he applies the scriptural principles of worship in his treatment of this subject. Vernon Whaley also sheds some light upon the issue of why worship is such a controversial issue. Whaley does a scholarly study of Satan and what his purpose was and now has become. Whaley’s understanding of the original role of Satan is used to shed light on the issue of the techniques of and purpose of what Satan wants to accomplish today. His insight into this matter was enlightening but did not consume the subject, but does help one understand how this has become such an issue.
This book is a great book to study and understand not only the concept of worship but also what true Biblical worship entails.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Review Of Fearless

Max Lucado has done it again! His newest book Fearless is a wonderful and inspiring book. Max deals with the issue that paralyzes countless people fear! His down to earth approach and personal disclosure shows the reader that everyone faces fears but, they can be overcome. Max Lucado uses the various incidents in the gospel accounts to show how real fear is too many individuals. This book does not leave the reader thinking or dwelling on fear, but thorough accurate and proper interpretation scripture is applied to show how God wants to bring one past being afraid and to show hope in the midst of difficulty.
I found this book not only easy to read but it was a book filled practical scriptural references. This book is full of stories and historical events that are not just used as filler material, but drive home the concept that the author is trying to convey. I found this book to be a very timely work that touches nearly every fear that we encounter in the world we live in today. With the uncertainty that is abounding Max is able to share the message of hope and optimism that is ours from God. This book is an excellent resource for anyone going through the uncertain times we find ourselves in today. This breaths hope to give one courage to face their fears.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thinking Out Loud

Remember the old game of telephone? We used to play it as kids as we would be traveling in the families 1972 Ford LTD Station Wagon, green with wood grain. (Reminds me of the Family Vacation with Chevy Chase). It was interesting as children someone would start the game by telling something in the ear of another and then it was passed around the last one had to say out loud what they heard. A lot of the time some of the things did not resemble what the original message was. It was a fun game and passed the time as this was in the days before the conveniences of hand held electronic devices. (We didn't even have ac in that car, and the windows had to be manually cranked down.) What I wondered as we played that game was always: "What was the original message?" I wondered if what I was hearing was what my brother or sisters had really said. I have already stated it was a fun game, until the last person said the wrong message and someone got their feelings hurt. An argument would inevitably ensue and that called for Dad to intervene and end the game. Now that I am older, I find myself recalling those days, and I am thankful for how far we have progressed. We have wonderful technology resources at our disposal, with countless resources, available to us even in the palm of our hand. No longer do children play games with their siblings in the car, or work on crossword puzzles or read a book, they have cell phones, I Pods, portable DVD players, and even built in entertainment packages. We only hear from our children it seems when they want to watch another movie or its feeding time. But with these resources, and the wealth of information that we have at our finger tips, sometimes I see, read, and hear things that remind me of the old game of telephone. Information gets posted and forwarded in emails, that are not true or greatly embellished, sites abound on the internet that claim to be informative, but are nothing more than just lame attempts at trying to prove conspiracy theory's. Have you check out snopes.com lately? Certain websites resemble what my mother called "scandal sheets", or supermarket tabloids. You know the ones, the ones that are colorful with the stories about the celebrities having only days to live, aliens at the White House, flying saucers landing in Times Square, etc… you get my point. (I had a great aunt and uncle who used to tell wild stories, about things, and one day a relative asked: Where did you hear that? The reply was: the newspaper! Sure enough my aunt and uncle brought the "paper" over one day and there it was, front cover on the "Star".) My digression is to illustrate a point: Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Just because its there does not mean it’s true. Be sure to check sources of the sites that seem sensaltionistic. Always look for the primary sources. If possible you need to read the primary sources, and discover for yourself if something is true or not.
I am really bothered in recent days as I hear and see lots of things being said about various things. DJ’s on the radio are saying things that are not true, there is a ton of information out there because we live in this time, where information is put out on the internet with very little checks as to the accuracy and validity. The result is lots of things are being said by people that clearly are not accurate. As a follower of Jesus I must check my words carefully and even calculate what to say, or if I should even post something on my bog, facebook, or twitter, etc… If I say something it needs to be true and accurate. I am reminded of what Paul told to Timothy 2Ti 2:15 Study to you’re your self approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
I have many concerns about what I am seeing in regards to the church of Jesus Christ. In the effort to “protect” God’s church over zealous individuals are causing conflict, division, and strife. Information about certain movements is rampant today. Do a Google search and you will find good and bad on just about any subject. However, discernment along with the brains that God has given to us is necessary to filter out if something is true, in error or heretical. God has given us brains and the ability to think and it is time that Christians begin to think. Don’t swallow something as truth because someone said: If found this on the internet, so it must be true! (1Jo 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.). That’s discernment. Studying as stated in II Timothy 2:15 is using your God given brains to think with. Sloppy scholarship is indicated by lack of primary sources. Read, and study for yourself about a subject, especially if you’re going to criticize something.
My other concern is that with all the information that is out there, and lack of true discernment, and good scholarship individuals are quick to make hasty and inaccurate conclusions regarding what they read. It’s very easy to make a comment, that is very inaccurate, that will cause damage to a person, or group’s reputation. However, a lot of inaccurate things are out there, and leaps and assumptions are being made without knowing for certain regarding the accuracy of the information. My caution to anyone reading these words is to be careful and choose what you say very carefully, and make certain the accuracy of what your about to say. It’s difficult to take back thing that are said. I filter what I say through what Jesus had to say:

Matthew 12:36 But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.
Mathew t 12:37 for by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

My final concern is that due to lack of discernment, scholarship, and hastily said things there arises a spirit of being judgmental. The trouble with being judgmental is that it becomes the new form of Pharisees. That’s an attempt to claim one speaks for God, but maybe that one person does not speak for God. If something is new, and God is doing something that we are uncomfortable with, does not give one the right to pass judgment on that movement or act of God. Again let me share with you what the bible says about this:

1Co 4:1 so then, men ought to regard us as servants a of Christ and as those entrusted b with the secret things c of God.
1Co 4:2 Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.
1Co 4:3 I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself.
1Co 4:4 My conscience d is clear, but that does not make me innocent. e It is the Lord who judges me.
1Co 4:5 Therefore judge nothing g before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.
1Co 4:6 Now, brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written.” k Then you will not take pride in one man over against another.

My purpose is being on this planet is to partner with God and be His servant in helping to build the Kingdom of God. I am not here to tear down another’s work, or to “protect” God’s Church, that’s His task. I rejoice with my brothers in Christ when I hear about God moving in their particular area of service, and I grieve with those who get wounded and weary. I agree with Apostles Creed about the one Holy, Universal/catholic Church. (I think when we get to heaven the two greatest surprises are going to be: Who is there that we didn’t think would be there, and who isn’t there that said they would be!) What I have witnessed and it bothers me is that in the name of the “Jesus” people are turning on their brothers and sisters in Christ, and are happy to celebrate the divisions instead of focusing on the Kingdom Of God.

Three things are needful for us as believers today:

1. Discernment and Scholarship
2. Conclusions and statements made that are not accurate
3. Being judgmental concerning a different movement of God.

As believers, and disciples of Jesus we need to make every effort to not be side tracked by others, and go down the path of the church looking the childish game of telephone.

Have I missed anything or what would you say?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Be Careful

I have noticed a very sad and disturbing trend in Christianity in the last few years, and notably Christians throwing around a lot of accusations against other Christians. With the popularity of the Internet and information readily available from countless sources there is tremendous amounts of material available on every subject. Even though one can read about just anything on the internet, attempts to prove or disprove conspiracy theories, information about such things as the Tri-lateral commission, the influence of the Free Masonry on the founding fathers, the hidden symbol on the back of the dollar bill, and urban legends and myths abound. What I have seen happen in the past few months is that those things that people don’t understand or fear they tend to lash out and tear down instead of being Christlike and building up they tear down. Many people have a “little” view of God and His power to work. This is evident in most churches in America. Services are scheduled to begin at an appointed time, with the correct number and genre of songs, prayers, and offering, maybe a sermon that does or not equal that of the TV evangelists. All of this with hopes that maybe the Holy Spirit moves upon those gathered in the room and in the desired block of time. The desire is that service moves smoothly so that it ends on time or before so that the attendee’s can get out of the building and beat the other denominations to the restaurant of the week, with anticipation that the buffet is fresh and not picked over. (Buffets are another subject for another time: Should Christians eat at buffets?)

Church’s and pastors have a hard time understanding God when He begins a fresh move to reach individuals that don’t know Him. Many “religious” people want a God who fits into their box or doctrine. What happens when God begins to work or His Spirit begins to leak out of the tight box that has been built for Him, people react. Sometimes the reaction is one of embracement, toleration, out right rejection, or out right rejection with condemnation, or judgment. Lately I have been witnessing a lot of the latter. When someone fears or fails to fully discern or comprehend what is God is doing, fear seems to take over. Fear is a reaction to something that is not understood, or is reaction against something that does not fit into the nice neat little box that has been built for God. BTW that box that has been built to hold God in, is only allowed to be opened on Sunday’s and maybe Wednesday’s and many people are happy to keep it that way, and can only be opened behind the walls of building that is erected to the glory of man and not God.

Here is where I am going with this: there is a lot of mudslinging going on in the name of protecting the “faith”. Here are the concerns I have:

1. God does not need us to protect the faith or defend the church. Matthew 16:18

2. In refusing to see that God moves and can move in different ways the church has become more like the Sanhedrin in the day of Jesus. The attempt is to keep the word of God pure while enslaving people to a keep to a set unalterable set of rules that has been developed by man. The love of God is professed but not possessed or demonstrated. Jesus summarized the 10 commandments down to 2. Mark 12:30-31.

3. Just because a website says it defends the faith it may not. Where is discernment in these last days? I John 4:1

4. Could all the mudslinging and criticism of the so “new” movements of God be sapping our strength, resources and taking our vision and attention off of Jesus?

5. What witness is being given to those who do not know Jesus when they see and read about “Christians” fighting and arguing about certain things? (The world doesn’t know or care what the subject matter is; they just know there is arguing going on.)

6. Who is to say, other than God that a movement of God will last. The words of Gamaliel should be heeded about this. Acts 5:29-41

7. Who are we following? Jesus said: Follow him. Jesus told Peter: What’s that to you, you follow me. John 21:20-22 How much time are you spending on your walk with Jesus. If that time were diverted from attacking and mudslinging to spiritual development, where would you be on your spiritual journey?

8. How many disciples debating if God can move in a certain way will make?

9. The debate and accusations flowing from one group about another group are about as nasty or nastier than that of corporate America. Does this look like: John 14:32

10. Make sure what is being quoted is accurate. Recently as I was looking over a website I noticed quotations from one author taken out of context and used to try to prove a point on a certain issue. However, this is “proof texting” and is not good scholarship. Always use a quote in context never make something say what you want it to say. Always check the original sources.

Why I am saying is this:

If God is going to do something new, and it doesn’t fit into our box, we need to be careful not to judge or call something evil when its not. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The teachers of the law attributed the works of Jesus to the Devil. There is a line that cannot be crossed in regards to this. Take a look at an account in Mark 3:22-30.

And the teachers of the law who came down from Jerusalem said, "He is possessed by Beelzebub! By the prince of demons he is driving out demons."

So Jesus called them and spoke to them in parables: "How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come. In fact, no one can enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can rob his house. I tell you the truth; all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin." He said this because they were saying, "He has an evil spirit."

Many like to jump on the bandwagon of finding demons, devils, and warlocks behind every door or bush. Some individuals have attributed the works of God to the devil. Just because something is different does not mean its evil.

God always is doing something new. Methods are always being developed, and adapted to fit the cultural context. There can be a knee jerk reaction to something new, or a new wave of God’s spirit. Jesus had to do something to say when he began His public ministry. He mentioned this:

MK 2:21 "No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. If he does, the new piece will pull away from the old, making the tear worse. 22 And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, he pours new wine into new wineskins."

Down through history God has used people to break out of the dead cold orthodoxy, and revive a work of God. The reformers who believed people needed the bible in their own language, to actually having scriptures, to man Posting 95 reasons on a church door that led to the protestant reformation. Could what is being criticized nothing more than a fresh movement of God?
I chose to be careful to not pass judgment, because if it is of God, I don’t to miss what He is doing.
Sometimes those things we fear or don’t understand are lumped all together and labeled as something it is not. One must fully understand something before they judge. I would caution anyone reading this not to jump to the conclusion that I am talking about a certain group or certain people. What bothers me is that there are a lot of people being wounded needlessly by things being slung around. The 10 cautions I have outlined above can easily be applied to the criticism thrown at: Contemporary vs. Traditional Worship, Being A Missional Church, Emergent Church, Intentional Church, Music, etc….

In the words of my college professor: What do you think?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rick & Bubba’s Guide To The Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage

Rick and Bubba work on marriage is written from their own personal perspectives. Their transparency and open ness to share with the reader concerning marriage is admirable. They have relied totally upon their own experiences to give the reader a glimpse into the institution of marriage. The introduction to their book gives the reader a glimpse to what they are in for as they read this book. Rick and Bubba write that the “perfect marriage, because perfect people don’t exist”, p. vii. With this concept in mind they share candidly experiences they have had in their own marriages, along with interjections from their respective spouses.

I have listened to these two men and the radio and wondering how this book would compare to their radio show, and I was not let down. This book is a must read, if you have been married from some time, or if you are contemplating marriage. Rick and Bubba do not write from theories or throw out what studies have shown about marriage, but from their own personal lives. Rick and Bubba’s faith comes out clear in this book, as they share their thoughts and stories about marriage. The authors cover topics such as raising children, dating, garage sales, vacations, shopping, and house chores… Nothing is off limits for these two very humorous men. The book is written in an easy to read style with Rick and Bubba each taking turns sharing personal stories. This book will make you laugh, and will lift your spirits but will also make you think about your life and what is important. These men have shared their joys, the mistakes, and the sorrow that they have been through in their marriage.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Review of Real Church

Real Church: Does It Exist? Can I Find It? By Larry Crabb

Real Church is a great work. Larry Crabb accurately portrays the problems with western Christianity. He does not demean or tear down the “Church”, he just challenges the assumptions that many have about the church, but were afraid to share. Larry says what others are not brave enough to voice. He becomes very transparent sharing his feeling about and toward church. This work does more than just diagnose the issues and problems facing “the church”, it challenges the reader to do some deep soul searching and to evaluate church not from the perspective of how well does it make one feel, or if its meeting felt needs but to evaluate church in regards to what does church mean to God. Crabb writes: “Is it possible, is it conceivable, that going to church and pasturing a church might mean to God something very different from what they mean to us?” p. 6. As Larry Crabb continues to unpack this question through out the book, the reader will find himself or herself asking some very soul searching questions.

This book is not for the faint of heart, neither is it another book on church health. This book will leave you scratching your head, asking questions, and maybe even downright mad. This work is a call to all church leaders, pastors, that are tired of doing to church to look and realize that there is more to “church” than just going, doing, or acting like the church. Be ready to think, and pray as you read. This book will challenge you to see church like you never have before.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Missional followers of Jesus don't belong to a church. They are the church. Missional Renaissance p.19.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I review for Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers

A Review Of Between Wyomings

Between Wyomings
My God And An Ipod On The Open Road

Between Wyomings is a work by Ken Mansfield in which he chronicles his life. His attention to detail gives the reader much to think about. Ken tells his story about leaving home at the young age of 17, and then gives the reader details of his life from then until now. The book is his life’s story about years working in the recording industry. He has worked with big names in that field and has acquaintances that many could only dream about. His story is interspersed with tales of the past, the situation he found himself in as he motored down the down in a van named Moses, along with his wife. His story is one of a pilgrimage and he brings his faith journey into the work.

I found the book to be a challenging read at times. Although Ken has a great testimony of the Grace of God, but it is kind of overshadowed by the “big” names from the music industry. I found myself thinking this would be a better book had there been more time spent on how Ken experienced God. Even though it was written in some order, I found it hard to follow at times as he journeyed down a sentimental road trip. The best chapter in the book for me was the chapter Going Up, Going Down. This was the best part of the book for me.

What Made The Early Church Great!

What Made The Early Church Great!
Acts 2:42-47

July 5, 2009

Today begins a series of messages on the topic: What Made The Early Church Great!. I would like to challenge you to think about the concepts and principles that were in place in the early church, and why we need to recapture those principles and put them into place today. The early church had a force that catapulted them into the world and they made a difference in their culture. I will be presenting some principles from the early and church from this passage and I believe:

The Early Church was great because:

They Were Committed To A Cause

The apostles were committed to a cause greater than themselves. They were not committed to a building, or a place, a worship style, but committed to the Great Commission. Matthew 28:19-20 19")Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,) baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." The apostles were committed to what Jesus had told them to do.

They Kept Things Simple

They did 4 things. Instruction in the word, fellowship, sharing together (eating together), and prayer. They did not do everything. They were not overburdened, their focus was not on doing everything, and their focus was on the essentials. When you try to do everything you do nothing well. It is better to do a few things with excellence than to do a lot of thing with mediocrity.
Look at the shelves of Wal Mart. Recently while looking for something in our local Wal Mart I asked an associate where something was located. (They have been redoing the whole store and every time we have been in there things have been moved around. It has been like the little plastic puzzle we had as kids. You know the square one that had 8 tiny squares and you had to put the numbers in order. You move one square to another slot; move this one over here, etc…). This associate mentioned to me that they have eliminated some things as they moved the store around. They have quit carrying quite a few things. Someone has figured out they are carrying too many things.
Look at what GM and Ford have done. They have eliminated brands, sold off or closed divisions so they could return to the core of their business.
What I would like to see the church do, is to focus on the things that made the early church great. The core values of Acts 2. What would happen if the church returned to do doing just the 4 things that the apostles were doing? What would that do for us and what would that do for the ministry of the local church?
Recently our family was in Dallas and we went to a place to eat after watching the stage production of Chitty Bang. We went to a burger place. Not any burger place, but at this place they only do one thing: Burgers. They do not do chicken, fish, or BBQ, they just do burgers. (The counter had a bumper sticker on it said: McDonalds is not real food!) The place is packed out during the supper hour, (supper is the evening meal in the south, and dinner is lunch.). Why, because they do what they are the best at, burgers! (BTW the buffalo burger is the best!)

They Had Power

The Holy Spirit worked through them. The NASB translates verse 43 like this:
“Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many (wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles.” The apostles were the instruments of God. The Holy Spirit was flowing through them. They were not doing things in their own strength or power, but they Holy Spirit was working through them. The greatness of the apostles was not what they accomplished but what was working through them. They Had Power, power to change lives, to make an impact. They did not have money, they did not have a big or pretty building or talented musicians but they had power. Later in the book of Acts we read about Peter and John going up to the temple to pray. There was lame man who was there begging and evidently had asked for something from Peter and John. What happened shows to us that these two men had no great wealth, or resources, but they had power, the power that comes from God and flows though us. In Acts 3:6 we read: But Peter said, "I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene--walk!" The man did walk. Wow. They had power. What the church needs today is the same power Peter and John had. We don’t need money; we need the power of God.

They Expected God to Do Something

They were living in expectation and hopes God would do something, and God did do something. They not only had to expect God to do something, they were dependent for God to do something. They lived each day expecting God to move. Someone once said: “We get what we expect.” Do we come to church expecting God to do something? Or do we come with the same expectation: We come to church, to hear some singing, to hear a prayer, to give an offering, and hear some scripture read, and maybe a sermon. Usually that’s what we get, because that’s what we expect. However God can, and will exceed our expectations if it’s our desire. Here the apostles were living and expecting God to do something. The rest of the book of Acts is full of incidents where God did something. Peter and John, not only healing a man, but receiving boldness to preach, an angel coming to let them out of prison, a dead man brought back to life. The book of Acts is full of this, because they were expecting God to do something.
What do you expect of God as you come to church each Sunday? Do you expect him to move? You need to, because God is not the god of the mundane. God specializes in doing the unexpected, and the impossible. Are you ready for Him to do that?

As we begin this series, I would like to challenge you to think: what do we need to do to be great like the early church?

Next week we will look at the subject: What made the early church great: They were unified!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Why the church is here!

I arrived home from the BGW seminar in Grand Prairie this evening, and really tired. Just as we finished dinner, one of the ladies cleaning the church called me and told me that someone wanted to see me at the church. The thoughts going through my head were: He wants money, he's hungry, he needs a place to stay, etc.... His vehicle was an old van. As I walked up to talk to the man, he introduced himself as Kerry. We began to talk and we sat down in my office, and he began to share that his life was a mess, homeless, unemployed, etc.. As we talked he said: "I am lost! and wondering if God had given up on him." I shared with him about the ABC's and gave him a pen, (unique that we heard Stan Toler talk about this today!), and he said he had done that. I shared some more scripture with him, and encouraged him to come to church. After some discussion about church, he wondered if the church was right for him, and I told him it was, and I expected him to come, and that church was not for the perfect person, it was for people like him and I. He smiled and indicated he would be here sunday. We prayed, and I asked from protection for him, a job, a place to live and God's peace. I was ready and offer him some assistance, gas, food, hotel, etc... but he said all he wanted was to talk and find God, and he left saying he found something tonight. Interesting he never asked for the usual things that you would expect someone in his shoes to request.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Review Of The Noticer

I have not been able to post to the blog in a long, long time. Life has its way of sapping energy, and stealing joy. However, I am back, and after many months darkeness, I am making the attempt to post regularly to the blog. This post is a review of the book The Noticer by Andy Andrews. Thomas Nelson Publishers has started giving books away to bloggers who will read them and post a review of the book. If you would like to know more about the program visit them http://brb.thomasnelson.com/ . So here is my first book review. Enjoy

The Noticer

Hope, wisdom and perspective are the three words that come to mind after reading The Noticer. This book blends a combination of spiritual insight and great fiction together. This could be called a modern parable that blends humor with spiritual insights that will lift your spirit and give you inspiration to evaluate life situations. An old man carrying a worn out suitcase, shows up unexpectedly bringing hope, wisdom and perspective to the people he comes in contact with. Everyone should be able to identify with at least one character or life story in this work. Andy Andrews does an excellent job at tying together life situations with spiritual principles, no matter if it is being homeless, failed marriage, shady ethical decisions, discouragement and disparagement with life, is addressed. Although Jones, the main character: The Noticer, Jones, is never compared to God, there is enough of that idea there that one could draw an analogy to what God does for people. One of the unique insights of “Jones” is that he appears to some as an old man, an oriental man, or a Hispanic man. No matter what the ethnicity of a person, they saw Jones in their particular ethnic background. After Jones work is completed he leaves the area of Orange Beach, but leaves behind his old suitcase filled with seeds, and a note to encourage the ones gathered around the table looking and listening to take the seeds and plant them in the lives of people around them. This is great book and will bring encouragement to any and all who read this book.