Thursday, June 11, 2009

Why the church is here!

I arrived home from the BGW seminar in Grand Prairie this evening, and really tired. Just as we finished dinner, one of the ladies cleaning the church called me and told me that someone wanted to see me at the church. The thoughts going through my head were: He wants money, he's hungry, he needs a place to stay, etc.... His vehicle was an old van. As I walked up to talk to the man, he introduced himself as Kerry. We began to talk and we sat down in my office, and he began to share that his life was a mess, homeless, unemployed, etc.. As we talked he said: "I am lost! and wondering if God had given up on him." I shared with him about the ABC's and gave him a pen, (unique that we heard Stan Toler talk about this today!), and he said he had done that. I shared some more scripture with him, and encouraged him to come to church. After some discussion about church, he wondered if the church was right for him, and I told him it was, and I expected him to come, and that church was not for the perfect person, it was for people like him and I. He smiled and indicated he would be here sunday. We prayed, and I asked from protection for him, a job, a place to live and God's peace. I was ready and offer him some assistance, gas, food, hotel, etc... but he said all he wanted was to talk and find God, and he left saying he found something tonight. Interesting he never asked for the usual things that you would expect someone in his shoes to request.

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