Thursday, June 4, 2009

Review Of The Noticer

I have not been able to post to the blog in a long, long time. Life has its way of sapping energy, and stealing joy. However, I am back, and after many months darkeness, I am making the attempt to post regularly to the blog. This post is a review of the book The Noticer by Andy Andrews. Thomas Nelson Publishers has started giving books away to bloggers who will read them and post a review of the book. If you would like to know more about the program visit them . So here is my first book review. Enjoy

The Noticer

Hope, wisdom and perspective are the three words that come to mind after reading The Noticer. This book blends a combination of spiritual insight and great fiction together. This could be called a modern parable that blends humor with spiritual insights that will lift your spirit and give you inspiration to evaluate life situations. An old man carrying a worn out suitcase, shows up unexpectedly bringing hope, wisdom and perspective to the people he comes in contact with. Everyone should be able to identify with at least one character or life story in this work. Andy Andrews does an excellent job at tying together life situations with spiritual principles, no matter if it is being homeless, failed marriage, shady ethical decisions, discouragement and disparagement with life, is addressed. Although Jones, the main character: The Noticer, Jones, is never compared to God, there is enough of that idea there that one could draw an analogy to what God does for people. One of the unique insights of “Jones” is that he appears to some as an old man, an oriental man, or a Hispanic man. No matter what the ethnicity of a person, they saw Jones in their particular ethnic background. After Jones work is completed he leaves the area of Orange Beach, but leaves behind his old suitcase filled with seeds, and a note to encourage the ones gathered around the table looking and listening to take the seeds and plant them in the lives of people around them. This is great book and will bring encouragement to any and all who read this book.

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