Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Review of The Sacred Meal

One of the two ordinances that are observed by many protestant denominations: Holy Communion is the subject this work by Nora Gallagher. The author handles this subject not from a theological or mystical perspective. She integrates the sacredness of this holy sacrament into the ordinary and daily activities of life. She writes from her personal experiences and invites the reader to contemplate The Sacred Meal in every aspect of ones spiritual journey. The challenging part of this work is to see how the holy aspect of communion intersects with the everyday aspect of life. This work is not over burdened with cumbersome words that detract the reader but is written from personal spiritual journey and experience. This is a must read for one beginning in ministry or one who has been in ministry but wanting to reclaim the sacredness of Holy Communion.
The highlight of this work was chapter 8 entitled Myths and Traditions. Different traditions teach different ways, and rules regarding who can and who can’t participate in this holy sacrament. Nora Gallagher does a great job at exploring this issue. She does a great job at explaining the reasons why someone should not be hindered from participating in communion. Gallagher’s handling of the subject regarding rules and the sacrament were insightful and helpful to me.

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