Remember the old game of telephone? We used to play it as kids as we would be traveling in the families 1972 Ford LTD Station Wagon, green with wood grain. (Reminds me of the Family Vacation with Chevy Chase). It was interesting as children someone would start the game by telling something in the ear of another and then it was passed around the last one had to say out loud what they heard. A lot of the time some of the things did not resemble what the original message was. It was a fun game and passed the time as this was in the days before the conveniences of hand held electronic devices. (We didn't even have ac in that car, and the windows had to be manually cranked down.) What I wondered as we played that game was always: "What was the original message?" I wondered if what I was hearing was what my brother or sisters had really said. I have already stated it was a fun game, until the last person said the wrong message and someone got their feelings hurt. An argument would inevitably ensue and that called for Dad to intervene and end the game. Now that I am older, I find myself recalling those days, and I am thankful for how far we have progressed. We have wonderful technology resources at our disposal, with countless resources, available to us even in the palm of our hand. No longer do children play games with their siblings in the car, or work on crossword puzzles or read a book, they have cell phones, I Pods, portable DVD players, and even built in entertainment packages. We only hear from our children it seems when they want to watch another movie or its feeding time. But with these resources, and the wealth of information that we have at our finger tips, sometimes I see, read, and hear things that remind me of the old game of telephone. Information gets posted and forwarded in emails, that are not true or greatly embellished, sites abound on the internet that claim to be informative, but are nothing more than just lame attempts at trying to prove conspiracy theory's. Have you check out lately? Certain websites resemble what my mother called "scandal sheets", or supermarket tabloids. You know the ones, the ones that are colorful with the stories about the celebrities having only days to live, aliens at the White House, flying saucers landing in Times Square, etc… you get my point. (I had a great aunt and uncle who used to tell wild stories, about things, and one day a relative asked: Where did you hear that? The reply was: the newspaper! Sure enough my aunt and uncle brought the "paper" over one day and there it was, front cover on the "Star".) My digression is to illustrate a point: Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Just because its there does not mean it’s true. Be sure to check sources of the sites that seem sensaltionistic. Always look for the primary sources. If possible you need to read the primary sources, and discover for yourself if something is true or not.
I am really bothered in recent days as I hear and see lots of things being said about various things. DJ’s on the radio are saying things that are not true, there is a ton of information out there because we live in this time, where information is put out on the internet with very little checks as to the accuracy and validity. The result is lots of things are being said by people that clearly are not accurate. As a follower of Jesus I must check my words carefully and even calculate what to say, or if I should even post something on my bog, facebook, or twitter, etc… If I say something it needs to be true and accurate. I am reminded of what Paul told to Timothy 2Ti 2:15 Study to you’re your self approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
I have many concerns about what I am seeing in regards to the church of Jesus Christ. In the effort to “protect” God’s church over zealous individuals are causing conflict, division, and strife. Information about certain movements is rampant today. Do a Google search and you will find good and bad on just about any subject. However, discernment along with the brains that God has given to us is necessary to filter out if something is true, in error or heretical. God has given us brains and the ability to think and it is time that Christians begin to think. Don’t swallow something as truth because someone said: If found this on the internet, so it must be true! (1Jo 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.). That’s discernment. Studying as stated in II Timothy 2:15 is using your God given brains to think with. Sloppy scholarship is indicated by lack of primary sources. Read, and study for yourself about a subject, especially if you’re going to criticize something.
My other concern is that with all the information that is out there, and lack of true discernment, and good scholarship individuals are quick to make hasty and inaccurate conclusions regarding what they read. It’s very easy to make a comment, that is very inaccurate, that will cause damage to a person, or group’s reputation. However, a lot of inaccurate things are out there, and leaps and assumptions are being made without knowing for certain regarding the accuracy of the information. My caution to anyone reading these words is to be careful and choose what you say very carefully, and make certain the accuracy of what your about to say. It’s difficult to take back thing that are said. I filter what I say through what Jesus had to say:
Matthew 12:36 But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.
Mathew t 12:37 for by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”
My final concern is that due to lack of discernment, scholarship, and hastily said things there arises a spirit of being judgmental. The trouble with being judgmental is that it becomes the new form of Pharisees. That’s an attempt to claim one speaks for God, but maybe that one person does not speak for God. If something is new, and God is doing something that we are uncomfortable with, does not give one the right to pass judgment on that movement or act of God. Again let me share with you what the bible says about this:
1Co 4:1 so then, men ought to regard us as servants a of Christ and as those entrusted b with the secret things c of God.
1Co 4:2 Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.
1Co 4:3 I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself.
1Co 4:4 My conscience d is clear, but that does not make me innocent. e It is the Lord who judges me.
1Co 4:5 Therefore judge nothing g before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.
1Co 4:6 Now, brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written.” k Then you will not take pride in one man over against another.
My purpose is being on this planet is to partner with God and be His servant in helping to build the Kingdom of God. I am not here to tear down another’s work, or to “protect” God’s Church, that’s His task. I rejoice with my brothers in Christ when I hear about God moving in their particular area of service, and I grieve with those who get wounded and weary. I agree with Apostles Creed about the one Holy, Universal/catholic Church. (I think when we get to heaven the two greatest surprises are going to be: Who is there that we didn’t think would be there, and who isn’t there that said they would be!) What I have witnessed and it bothers me is that in the name of the “Jesus” people are turning on their brothers and sisters in Christ, and are happy to celebrate the divisions instead of focusing on the Kingdom Of God.
Three things are needful for us as believers today:
1. Discernment and Scholarship
2. Conclusions and statements made that are not accurate
3. Being judgmental concerning a different movement of God.
As believers, and disciples of Jesus we need to make every effort to not be side tracked by others, and go down the path of the church looking the childish game of telephone.
Have I missed anything or what would you say?
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